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Clothes dryers

JB's lineup of clothes dryers from LG, Electrolux, Westinghouse, Haier, and more brings efficiency to your laundry room! With options including heat pump, vented, and condenser models capable of up to 10kg, drying clothes has never been easier.


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Showing 36 of 55 results

What type of dryer should I buy?

Shop JB for the latest types of dryers that will dry clothes quickly, thoroughly, and effectively, for a great price. The starting point is choosing the right one for you:

  • Heat pump dryer. A heat pump tumble dryer turns the humid air to vapour using a compressor and refrigerant. Also called a heat pump condensing dryer.
  • Vented dryer. These appliances vent the hot air and the vapour out, either from the back or the front. Always best to use in a ventilated room, or buy a kit so they can vent outside.
  • Condenser dryer. A condenser dryer turns the vapour into water, which it stores and is manually emptied after each cycle.
  • Washer dryer combos. As their name suggests, they can do both in one run.
  • Drying cabinets. Gentler drying to remove wrinkles and reduce ironing.

Which is better a vented or condenser dryer?

If you’re looking to buy a dryer, the main decision is usually between the condenser and vented tumble dryer. They both have benefits and both do a great job. They also both have lint filters, which we all look like being stuck with for a while yet! Here’s a few things to consider when weighing up a condenser vs vented dryer.

  • Price. Vented dryers can be cheaper to buy. They may be more energy efficient, but sometimes only marginally. JB also has a great range of cheap dryers.
  • Time. A vented dryer will take less time to dry your clothes.
  • Weight. With the added tech, a condenser can weigh more.
  • Location. You can put a condenser anywhere and in any room. You don’t need to worry about ventilation.
  • Technology. Condensers can have more features, functions, and settings.
  • Setup. If you have a front load washing machine and want to stack your dryer on top, a vented dryer may be more suitable.

Which dryer is the right one for me?

Finding the best clothes dryer for your needs means thinking about:

  • Dimensions
  • Type
  • Capacity
  • Energy efficiency and energy rating
  • Finish and design
  • Laundry space
  • Side by side or wall mount

There’s also price to consider. Checkout our top prices and keep an eye on our regular sales and Hottest Deals. Have a look at our laundry buying guide for more details.

What brand dryer is the best?

Leading brands mean value, reliability, and a quality warranty. Leading brand dryers in-store and online at JB include:

  • Asko. Up to 10kg of capacity.
  • Beko. Check out the new release 9kg heat pump dryer.
  • Bosch. Enjoy the stunning 8kg heat pump dryer.
  • Electrolux. Electrolux 6kg to 9kg machines.
  • Fisher & Paykel. You’ll love the 7kg vented dryer (DE7060G2)
  • Haier. Such as the popular SensorDry Vented Dryer (HDV40A1)
  • Hisense. Heat pump dryers at great value.
  • LG. Heat pump dryers up to 10kg, and drying cabinet.
  • Samsung. 8kg heat pumps dryers and full care system.
  • Westinghouse. Including the popular 4.5kg vented clothes dryer for smaller spaces.

What are the features of the latest dryers?

There’s a few features that go into effortless drying with our range of dryers, including:

^Discounts apply to previous ticketed/advertised price prior to the discount offer. As we negotiate, products will likely have been sold below ticketed/advertised price prior to the discount offer. Prices may differ at airport stores.