From acclaimed director Derek Cianfrance (The Place Beyond the Pines, Blue Valentine), The Light Between Oceans is a beautiful, heartrending romance based on the bestselling Australian novel by M.L. Stedman.
Rating: M
Consumer Advice: Mature themes and a sex scene
Release Date: 8 Feb 17
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Lighthouse keeper Tom Sherbourne (Michael Fassbender: Steve Jobs) and radiant, spirited Isabel (Alicia Vikander: The Danish Girl ) live together in married bliss on a remote, rugged island off the coast of Australia. But their windswept world is turned upside down when Isabel learns that she’s unable to bear a child. One day, a drifting lifeboat washes ashore with a crying baby in it. The dilemma the couple now face will echo far beyond the island, engulfing and irrevocably impacting their world – and that of a stranger (Rachel Weisz: The Bourne Legacy) – in a passionate story about love, hope and a fateful choice. Get swept away by this stunning film, complete with captivating special features.
Special Features - Bringing The Light To Life Experience Cape Campbell, New Zealand, with the cast and crew, and discover how Director Derek Cianfrance’s directing style influenced the actors’ performances and accentuated the movie’s themes. - Lighthouse Keeper Learn the history of the Cape Campbell Lighthouse and what a lighthouse keeper’s life was like during those early days. - Audio Commentary
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Light Between Oceans, The
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