Groundbreaking British police drama series following the exploits of the Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police: an elite group of officers tasked with protecting London from spies, terrorists, and subversives. First broadcast on ITV in 1969, Special Branch ushered in an entirely new kind of police drama. As well as introducing a new type of character to British viewers - the trendy copper - Special Branch presented storylines reflecting the complexities of the modern world: from government security leaks, people trafficking and terrorism to street crime and corruption.
Special Features Interview with actors Patrick Mower andf George Sewell NEW Interview with actor Derren Nesbitt NEW Interview with cinematographer John Keeling NEW Interview with camera operator John Maskall
Derren Nesbitt (Actor)|George Sewell (Actor)|Morris Perry (Actor)
TV Crime
Madman Entertainment
English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono)
Running Time
Region Coding
Consumer Advice
Mild themes, violence and coarse language
Year of Release
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